Happy Friday! I almost said “You made it to Friday!” but then stopped myself because I am nothing if not a believer that there is some joy to be found in every day. I do my best not to LiVe FoR tHe WeEkEnD, but the fact does remain true that Friday is the undisputed best :)
For the second week in a row, I feel like I haven’t consumed too much in terms of TV, movies, and/or books — the partial truth behind that is that work’s been a little busier and I’ve been running a lot in the evenings, but the full truth is that my favorite content consists of my own Instagram stories, and I can watch those time and time again.
When not watching my own Instagrams and TikToks, here’s what I got into:
TV: I finally started the new season of The Bear, only six weeks late!! The first episode is ~artistically cinematic~, but it frankly didn’t do it for me (and I’m glad I already know how much I love the show and characters, otherwise I might not have kept going). The first scene of the second episode, however, is a literal love letter to Chicago, its food, and its people (my sister called it “Chicago porn”), and I smiled throughout the entire thing. The rest of the second episode was intense but good, and I’m very excited to keep going.
Important note: Did anyone else really clock the way Carmy pats that chicken in the first episode? Did anyone else have to rewind to watch it again and again?
Books: As with last week, I remain exactly 5% into The God of the Woods. I’m honestly not sure what it is, but I haven’t been super in the mood to pick it up and have been opting for Sex and the City before bed instead. Maybe it’s because I naturally put thrillers into the fall category, and I’m trying to soak up every minute of the rest of summer? That doesn’t make a ton of sense, as the book takes place in the summer, but I’ll go with it.
Speaking of books, I do keep forgetting to share the reader’s life hack that I discovered relatively recently — it’s called BookBub, and it’s a free daily email that sends you links to discounted e-books you might be interested in. You take a quiz on your reading habits/preferences, then every morning it sends you a roundup of books (within your selected categories) that are currently on sale. Some days are total busts, but I read it religiously to make sure I don’t miss out on any steals (of which I have found many!!). Get in on it here.
Quick Thoughts:
I’m so excited for Grant to be the Bachelor! I also genuinely hope I never have to see Sam M.’s smug-ass face again.
If we get a Rep TV announcement by the end of the month, I’ll get lyrics from my favorite Taylor Swift song tattooed on my body.
Can you please go watch and like this TikTok so it can get more than, like, 12 views? It deserved better.
I was looking at Chappell Roan merch (I want that shirt that says "Chappell’s: The Best in the Midwest) and noticed that the lyrics on this bag do not match the lyrics in my head? (One word in particular???)
I’m so sad the Olympics are over, but I am so excited that the W is back — I missed you, Caitlin!!
As much as I love Caitlin, to know me is to know that Paige is my greatest love — and I liked this feature on her stylist, Brittany Hampton, in Vogue Philippines.
May your weekend be silly and safe. Love you!
And as a reminder:
It’s an election year (and it’s feeling… hopeful?!), and it is my duty to remind you that while newsletters like this are crucial for maintaining sanity and levity, I am not a news source and am in no way a replacement for staying informed. For every newsletter you read that makes you smile, I hope you also read an informed take on politics, world events, and social issues (then fact check it!) — and for every heavy piece of news you take in, I hope you also consume and/or create a piece of art that promotes light, laughter, and joy.